Societal Impacts PPT
*1. Chapterwise Main Materials *
2. Chapterwise PPTs:
Unit 1: Python
Unit 2: MySQL
Unit 3: Networks
10. Networks Old Questions PPT
11. Networks Concept PPT 1 PPT
12. Networking Devices PPT
13. Networks Concept PPT 2 PPT
14. Networks - Websites PPT
Unit 4: Societal Impacts
3. CBSE Exam Papers:
4. Other Important QPs:
KV-Preboards (1) KV-Preboards (2) KV-Preboards (3)
KV Patna (Material) ClickHere
KV(Ernakulam) KV(Jammu)1 KV(Jammu)2
KV(Jammu)2 KV(Raipur)1 KV(Raipur)2
NVS Orange Tutorialaicsip
KV Ranchi Material ClickHere
KV Mumbai (Study Material) ClickHere
KV Mumbai (Question Bank) ClickHere
NVS Preboards (1 & 2 of 2022.23 & 2023.24) ClickHere
KV All Regions Preboard 1 (QP & Answers 2022.23) ClickHere
KV Ernakulam - 3Sample Papers with MS (2022.23) ClickHere
KV All Regions Preboard (2020.21) ClickHere
KV Jammu Sample Papers (15 without Marking Schemes) ClickHere
KV Preboard2 (Hyd QP 2022.23) ClickHere
5. School Based QPs (Click on Exam Name):
6. Worksheets:
W1&2 - Series and DataFrame (WS) ClickHere
W1&2 - Series and DataFrame (Key) ClickHere
W3&4 - Data Visualization (WS) ClickHere
W3&4 - Data Visualization (Key) ClickHere
7. Practicals:
12th Record (2024.25) DOC PDF
XII Projects (Old)
1. Hospital Management DOC PDF Program
2. Students Marks Processing DOC PDF Program
3. Healthy Foods & Calories DOC PDF Program
4. Comparative Study DOC PDF Program
8. Softwares:
C/C++ Python MySQL TuxPaint SmallBasic LOGO
Paint3D RapidTyping OpenToontzSoftware Python Google Collaboratory Link
9. All Others:
Syllabus PDF